When using CPR, remember your ABC's
Airway--Obtain an airway
Remove collars and leashes
open mouth carefully
Tilt head to drain any fluids
Extend head and neck
Gently pull out tongue to open airway
Close mouth to seal, wrap hands firmly around muzzle, place mouth over
Give 2 full breaths initially to expand the chest (1.5 to 2 seconds
If dog doesn't spontaneously breath, give 12-20 breaths per minute
Check for pulse
Lay dog on back with neck extended, straddle the body but don't sit
on the dog.
Gently compress the abdomen by placing both hands on the sternum, 2/3
the distance front to rear on the sternum.
Compress the chest 1/4 to 1/3 the distance vertically.
Using firm steady movement, maintain contact with chest
80-100 compressions per minute
(PUPPY-lay pup on it's right side. Place one hand on the spine
to stabilize, place heel of your other hand behind the elbow, 1/3 distance
from sternum, compress as for big dog)
One person CPR
Do initial 2 breaths, check for breathing and heartbeat
Perform chest compressions to ventilation in 15:1 ration (15 compressions,
1 breath)
Two person CPR
1 breath to every 3 compressions
Simultaneously breath and compress the chest, increases the pressure
in chest
Abdominal compression
Directs blood toward the heart
Third person performs abdominal compressions--alternate with chest
Can wrap the abdomen with a towel or bandage.
Note-periodically check for femoral pulse, heartbeat or spontaneous breathing. Stop CPR if heartbeat and breathing return. Periodically check mucous membrane for color. SEEK VETERINARY CARE IMMEDIATELY